02.02.2023 Switch Mains Power from your PLC
with my newest project ChillBear, a MQTT to 433MHz bridge, you can, easily and secure, control mains powered devices from the openMSR tools. Just configure your outputs to use the corresponding MQTT topics, setup ChillBear and you are done. My prototype in the case of a Develo 550 adapter |
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26.11.2019 Neue Version V 0.6 veröffentlicht
Geburtstags Release V 0.6
Wir sind sehr stolz, pünklich zum 30 jährigen Geburtstag der OpenMSR Tools eine neue Version zu veröffentlichen:
01.05.2019 Zotac helps OpenMSR development with Buildserver
Zotac supports my project with a very valuable addition. I got one of their famous Mini PC as Buildserver. Thanks to this server I can use Jenkins to automatically build the whole OpenMSR Tools on any changes of the sources in git. That's a big step ahead which gives me more time for development and minimizes the risk of failures. Due to the power and the minimum power consumption I am able to run it 24/7, use docker containers to build and crosscompile the whole project for Windows and Linux platforms.
10.09.2016 Friendly ARM supports OpenMSR
Today we received the donation of friendly ARM for our project. The company proved that their name is more than a marketing slogan:
They support us with 6 of their boards, 2 nano Pi, 2 Nano Pi fire and 2 Nano Pi M2, together with a lot of additional things like displays, cases , 4 different cameras and not to forget the very valuable parts for our tests: 2 Matrix Starter Kits with different sensors.
First tests show that our tools are running quite well on these boards!
Thanks for this great support
01.08.2016 Objekt Erkennung auf ARM Plattform
wir haben den Code der Objekterkennung so angepasst dass er mit video4linux 2 API auf Cameras zugreift . Dadurch konnten wir den Code auf der ARM Plattform compilieren und auf Raspeberry Pi mit dem eigenen PI Cam Modul und einem ODroid mit externer USB Cam testen.
Funktioniert hat es in beiden Fällen, der Raspberry Pi ist nicht für schnelle Veränderunen nutztbar, der ODroid reagiert dagegen direkt ohne Verzögerungen.